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miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019

Cambridge Street Community Public School


This school is located in the center of Ottawa, near Chinatown borough
More tan 90% of the students have a foreign background, they are sons and daughters of inmigrants or are the first generation of the newly arrived families.  Many of them do not speak English or still are learning their own mother tongue so English is taught as a second language. Therefore, inmersion is an essential part for them to develop good language skills. No translation is given as it would be impossible for the number of nationalities and languages spoken among the kids are numerous. Kids with larger linguistic needs are set in a special group with a permanent teacher.

What does "community" mean?

For Cambridge, the word is an integral part, not only of the name, but also of the day-to-day life of staff, students and parents at the school. The list of community helpers, volunteers and partners seems to be endless and continues to grow every year.
There is not a classroom that does not have a volunteer from the community, nor a classroom that has not worked with a community partner to help enhance student learning.
While my stayed there almkst everyday children in grade 2 and 3, where I was based, had at least 3 volunteers along the day, mostly retired people or undergraduates willing to become teachers one day.

Religion is not taught the same way it is here in Spain. Given the diversity of the school population, all religions are respected and encouraged to flourish.

8:40 - 8:55Arrival on the yard
8:55 - 10:55Learning Block
10:55-11:15Nutrition Break #1
11:15-11:40Activity Break #1
11:40 - 1:20Learning Block
1:20 - 1:40Nutrition Break #2
1:40 - 2:05Outdoor Play
2:05 - 3:25Learning Block

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